- Help Center for Businesses
- Store Info & Customisation
- Pick-up & Delivery Setup
Can I enforce lead times for ordering?
Leads times can be enforced by enabling scheduling and setting your advance notice to greater than zero.
- Go to Back Office ➞ Store Settings ➞ Fulfilment ➞ Timing and Scheduling
- Select Edit to open Advanced scheduling settings
- You can configure:
- How far in advance customers can schedule orders (maximum lead time)
- How much advance notice is required for orders (minimum lead time)
These settings apply to all pick-up/deliver orders at your store.
If you are interested in functionality to enforce lead times on a category/product basis, please drop us a line via help.bopple.com/contact. Let us know how this would benefit your business and any other ideas or preferences on how you would like to see this feature work.