Error 500 when connecting your Lightspeed integration in Bopple Back Office

A quick guide for fixing the "Something went wrong, error 500" error message when connecting your Lightspeed integration.

If you're seeing a "Hmm... something went wrong" error message with the Error code: 500 when trying to connect your Lightspeed integration in Bopple Back Office, you're in the right place!

🤔 Why is this happening?

This error usually only occurs if the Lightspeed account you're using to connect the integration is not an Admin User of your Lightspeed back office:

Lightspeed Admin User

🔨 How do I fix it?

To confirm whether you have admin access, you'll need to jump into your Lightspeed Back office and from there:

  • 👤 Tap People (left menu)
  • ⚙️ Click the settings cog next to your profile/user account
  • 👇 Scroll partway down to the Admin Section

Here you will see a "Is this user an admin" toggle (as pictured above) - if this is not set to 'Yes' you will need to ask a Company Admin / the team who manages your Lightspeed account to grant your account with admin access.


Once resolved, you'll be able to connect your Lightspeed integration via Bopple Back Office!


💬 Still having issues?

Start a live chat with us by tapping on the chat icon to the bottom-right of this page, or send us an email to and we can take a look for you!