How do I organise my menu for customer display?

Here you will learn how to organise your menu with categories. This is important for positioning how products show on your online menu or if your menu changes throughout the day. 

  • Go to Back Office
  • Select Menu ➞ Categories ➞ + Create Category
    • Enter Product Category Name
    • Select Parent Category

It is recommended to have a standard category that houses the products you normally display on your menu.

Congratulations, you have created a menu. Now go and create products to populate your menu.

Order categories and modifiers for showing online.


Head to Back Office ➞ Menu ➞ Categories

Select the arrow icon (Screen Shot 2022-04-12 at 2.04.58 pm) on the category and drag the products into order from top to bottom


Head to Back Office ➞ Menu ➞ Modifier's

Select the arrow icon (Screen Shot 2022-04-12 at 2.04.58 pm) on the modifier and drag the products into order from top to bottom