- Help Center for Businesses
- Integrations
- Square POS
Connecting Bopple and Square
How to connect a Bopple store to a Square location
Connect Square in Bopple Back Office
When you connect Square, your existing Bopple menu setup will be discarded and replaced by the Square menu that is imported. To avoid interruptions to service, make sure your Square menu is well setup before proceeding.
If your store is connected to another point-of-sale, you'll need to contact us to request that it is disconnected before you can connect with Square.
- Go to Bopple Back Office ➞ Store settings ➞ Integrations and click Connect on Square
- Confirm your Square account and location to finalise the connection
What's next?
Checkout our guide on how to Structure and import your Square menu!
Unsure of how this integration works? Checkout out Bopple x Square Integration Overview!