Refunding online orders in Lightspeed Kounta POS

You can optionally refund orders in Bopple Orders Manager if preferred. For more info on how to refund orders in Bopple, see How do I refund orders?

Integrated refunding 

The Bopple integration with Lightspeed Kounta POS supports refunding via the point-of-sale. When you refund an order via the POS, this will notify Bopple and the customer's order will be refunded. 

How to refund an online order in the POS

  1. Open your Lightspeed Kounta POS
  2. Open the left-hand menu bar in the POS
  3. Click on History
  4. Use the search tool to find the order that you wish to refund
  5. Click the order to open the detail view
  6. Click the red Refund sale button
  7. Follow the prompts to refund the whole order and click Bopple (not cash). 

Refund whole order

⚠️ Partial refunds are not supported at this time.

Partial refunds are not supported in Bopple. If you try to refund part of an order in Lightspeed this will not do anything. 

⚠️ Refunding customers when Smart Batching for group table orders is in use

Your point-of-sale will only have the batched group order. If you refund an order prefixed with "Group" this will refund all customer orders in the group. 

To refund an individual customer from within a group order you will need to use Bopple Orders Manager. See How do I refund orders?